
vExpert Spotlight: Wei-Ren Wang

Wei-Ren WangName: Wei-Ren Wang

Blog URL: http://www.weithenn.org

Current employer: Dongfong Technology Co., LTD

How did you get into IT?
I decided to work as a IT engineer when I retired from the military service in June 2002; at that time I didn’t even know what “hard disk partition” is about. In the 10-year IT career, I started from learning the basic Cisco and 3Com networking equipments, and then I became familiar with the operation and integration of Windows, Linux, and FreeBSD, and then I acquired knowledge of the current popular  virtualization technologies: VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V.

How did you get into working with VMware and becoming a 2011 vExpert?
Although I have some ideas about virtualization technology, but I was uncertain about the features of VMware ESX / ESXi. Fortunately I was sent to aprticipate a vSphere 4.0 training session by the company in May 2010. The VMware ICM four-day training courses changed my perspective to virtualization technologies such as HA / FT vMotion / DRS… and so on. Thus I started focusing on acquire more knowledge on virtual technologies.

In addition to building a VMware vSphere virtulal environment, I also started to compose an article on my personal website that introduces virtualization technology regarding its construction, configuration, and management. With the article, I could contribute to the NetAdmin magazine. I think this gave me the honor of becoming a 2012 vExpert.

What would you tell someone who wanted to get a job like yours to do?
First I try to continuously watch the market trend, and then I read a lot of books of related technologies. After that, I start from building my own test environments. Try to keep everything you do to the test environment including successful and unsuccessful trials somewhere — in my case, a blog. Over a certain period, you will find yourself fully equipped with knowledge of virtualization technology.