
Register now for “Raising the Bar, Part V” — online event

Steve 142 crop Paulcrop Register now for this online event

July 12, 2011
9am-Noon Pacific Time

VMware CEO Paul Maritz and CTO Steve Herrod will be presenting on the next generation of cloud infrastructure. Join us and experience how the virtualization journey is helping transform IT and ushering in the era of Cloud Computing. 

9:00-9:45 Paul and Steve present – live online streaming
10:00-12:00 five tracks of deep dive breakout sessions
10:00-12:00 live Q&A with VMware cloud and virtualization experts

The event is free — if you sign up today you'll get an email reminder. This is a not-to-miss event!

These vExperts will be on-site at the event in San Francisco and will be covering the event live! (Also watch for live-tweeting from @VMwareEvents and @jtroyer with the #vmwarecloud hashtag)

After the event, you'll still be able to ask questions on Twitter. And on Wednesday, we'll be recapping the event on our VMware Community Roundtable — join us for an hour of live Q&A.

Here's a personal invitation from Steve Herrod – he is not above make a bad joke to convince you to attend!

Screen shot 2011-07-06 at 3.17.36 PM

I'm looking really forward to the day — we've been working hard here at VMware and this online event is the culmination of all that work — please join us for what will be a very interesting and informative event. Register today.

See you there!