
Exchange on VMware Infrastructure: podcast, webinar, white papers

A common question that comes up with our customers is, "Can I put Microsoft Exchange 2007 on VMware Infrastructure?" And the answer is "You betcha!"

We eat our own dogfood here at VMware.* See this new-ish white paper: Deploying Exchange Server 2007 on VMware Infrastructure: A VMware Internal Case Study

Join us this Wednesday, Jan 14, for another round of the VMware Communities Roundtable podcast, where a panel of experienced VMware admins come together for a weekly session — usually informative, sometimes funny, occasionally abrasive, never scripted. We have an increasing number of live listeners and chatters from all around the world. If Rod can set the alarm to get up from Australia, and Tom can call in from his hotel room in the UK, you have no excuse for not taking a break from work, so just drop by and say hi.

What: VCR #31. Virtualizing Exchange, Domino, and RIM
When: Wednesday, noon PST, 3pm EST, 8pm GMT, and Thursday 7am in Sydney.
How: VMware Communities Roundtable on Talkshoe.

And if that piques your interest for more, join VMware experts on this webinar the next day, Jan 15:
Exchange 2007 on VMware: Technical Case Study. This should be a good one. The webinar does require registration, but I can't imagine you're not already getting our email, and you can always opt out.

And finally, here's a page of case studies and technical resources about VMware as the best platform for Microsoft Exchange. And yes, Microsoft Exchange 2007 on VMware is a supported configuration.

[Update: see also Duncan's post here: Exchange (2007) on VMware ]

* Although Mitch Kapor disputes who was first, and perhaps it was a reinvention, most think VMware CEO Paul Maritz coined "eating your own dogfood" terminology at Microsoft.