VMware Fusion

Win a MacBook Air. “My switch to VMware Fusion” video contest

Are you a switcher? No, not a switcher from PC to Mac, a group that includes Yours Truly, but that’s a story for another time. Are you a Mac user that has switched from another method of running Linux or Windows on Mac (Boot Camp, Parallels, etc.) to VMware Fusion? If so, are you interested in switching to brand-new MacBook Air, with a copy of VMware Fusion included? Then we should talk.

Team Fusion is launching a something new: a "My Switch to VMware Fusion" video contest.

  • To win the MacBook Air, you need to make a one minute video. The beauty of owning a Mac is that this is not hard. They’ve got a certain structure they want you to follow, so that all the videos will  work well strung together. In return, they’ll send you a t-shirt, a bumper sticker and will link to your blog if you have one.
  • If you don’t want to make a video, but you have a blog, then go to town and simply write about switching to VMware Fusion. (Again, there are guidelines — it seems Pete, our Fusion marketing manager, is channeling Steve Jobs on the control freak wavelength, but I promise you it’ll all look cool in the end all linked up together.) Anyway, do that and you’ll get a shiny "My Mac Hearts VMware Fusion" bumper sticker and a nice link to your blog. And the best blog post gets an iPod Touch.

OK, VMware Fusion users (i.e., you out there reading this) have already shown that you’re open to using the best product — and Fusion rocks as far as I’m concerned, and I use it every day. It is your moral imperative to make the world a better place and share your wisdom with your fellow human beings. It’ll just take a minute to post something. And you could win an iPod Touch or MacBook Air, or at least be tricked out with a t-shirt and bumper sticker.

How bad could that be? Enter the My Switch to VMware Fusion video contest today.
